Texas Hunting Seasons, 2022-2023

As one of the most popular outdoor activities in Texas, hunting provides a unique opportunity to experience the state’s diverse wildlife and beautiful landscapes. 

With the 2022-2023 hunting season fast approaching, it’s time for hunters to start preparing for their upcoming adventures. From white-tailed deer to quail, Texas is home to a wide range of game species, each with its own specific hunting season and regulations. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the various hunting seasons and regulations in Texas for the upcoming year, providing valuable information and tips for hunters of all levels. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Texas Hunting Season Dates

The Texas hunting season is a time when hunters across the state gear up to take to the woods and fields to pursue game. Each year, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) sets the dates for hunting seasons for various game species, which are designed to balance the needs of hunters with the conservation of wildlife populations. 

In the 2022-2023 hunting season, there are several game species that are open to hunting, each with its own set of dates.

Deer Hunting Season Texas 2022-2023

One of the most popular game species for Texas hunters is the white-tailed deer, and the hunting season for these animals is split into several segments. The general season for white-tailed deer begins on November 4th, and runs through January 15th. 

There are also several special hunting seasons for white-tailed deer, including youth-only, archery-only, muzzleloader, and late antlerless and spike buck seasons. 

Whitetail Seasons TX 2022-2023

In addition to the general hunting season, Texas also offers several special hunting seasons for white-tailed deer. These special seasons provide additional opportunities for hunters to pursue these game animals.

One of the special seasons is the youth-only season, which is open to hunters who are 16 years of age or younger. The youth-only season takes place in both the North and South zones of Texas and runs from October 28-29, 2023, and January 8-21, 2024.

To help hunters keep track of the various hunting seasons, we’ve compiled a table with the dates for each season:

GeneralNorthNov. 4, 2023 – Jan. 7, 2024
SouthNov. 4, 2023 – Jan. 21, 2024
Special LateNorthJan. 8-21, 2024
SouthJan. 22, 2024 – Feb. 4, 2024
Youth-OnlyNorthOct. 28-29, 2023 & Jan. 8-21, 2024
SouthOct. 28-29, 2023 & Jan. 8-21, 2024
Archery252 of 254 countiesSep. 30, 2023 – Nov. 3, 2023
Muzzleloader90 of 254 countiesJan. 8-21, 2024

Mule Deer Seasons TX 2022-2023

In addition to white-tailed deer, Texas also offers hunting opportunities for mule deer. These game animals can be found in several regions of the state and are a popular target for many hunters.

The general season for mule deer is split between two zones in Texas: the Panhandle and the Trans-Pecos. In the Panhandle, the general season runs from November 18, 2023, to December 3, 2023, while in the Trans-Pecos, the season runs from November 24, 2023, to December 10, 2023.

For those who prefer to hunt with a bow and arrow, the archery-only season for mule deer is open in 59 of the 254 counties in Texas. 

This season runs from September 30, 2023, to November 3, 2023, and provides hunters with a unique challenge as they pursue mule deer using only a bow and arrow.

GeneralPanhandleNov. 18, 2023 – Dec. 3, 2023
Trans-PecosNov. 24, 2023 – Dec. 10, 2023
Archery59 of 254 countiesSep. 30, 2023 – Nov. 3, 2023

Texas Wild Turkey Season 2022-2023

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) sets the dates for the various hunting seasons for wild turkey in order to balance the needs of hunters with the conservation of wildlife populations.

The 2022-2023 Texas wild turkey season includes both fall and spring seasons, as well as archery-only and youth-only opportunities. 

The fall season is split into two zones: North and South. In the North, the fall season runs from November 5 to January 1, while in the South, it runs from November 5 to January 15. In Brooks, Kenedy, Kleberg & Willacy counties, the season runs from November 5 to February 26.

FallNorthNov. 5 – Jan. 1
SouthNov. 5 – Jan. 15
Brooks, Kenedy, Kleberg & Willacy countiesNov. 5 – Feb. 26
Archery-onlyOct. 1 – Nov. 4
Fall Youth-onlyNorthOct. 29-30 & Jan. 2-15
SouthOct. 29-30 & Jan. 16-29
SpringNorthApril 1 – May 14
SouthMar. 18 – Apr. 30
One-turkey countiesApr. 1-30
Spring Youth-OnlyNorthMar. 25-26 & May 20-21
SouthMar. 11-12 & May 6-7

Texas Pronghorn Season 2022-2023

The table below shows the Texas Pronghorn Season 2022-2023. The only hunting season for pronghorn in Texas is the General season, which takes place in 41 of the state’s 254 counties. 

The season runs from October 1st through October 16th. Hunters must have the appropriate license and permit to participate in the season.

General41 of 254 countiesOct. 1-16

Texas Hunting Zones 2022-2023

Texas offers a wide variety of game species for hunters to pursue, and the state is divided into several hunting zones. 

Each zone has its own specific regulations and hunting seasons, which are designed to manage the state’s wildlife populations and ensure the sustainability of hunting. 

If you’re planning a hunting trip in Texas, it’s important to be aware of the hunting zones and the specific regulations that apply to the area you’ll be hunting in. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department provides a map of the state’s hunting zones, which can be a valuable resource for hunters.

Texas Bag Limits 2022-2023

Understanding bag limits is an important part of hunting in Texas. Bag limits are put in place to ensure that hunting remains sustainable and that wildlife populations are protected. Hunters must follow these limits to ensure that they do not exceed the allowable harvest for a given species. 

The bag limits for each species and county can vary, so it’s important to check the regulations for the specific area where you’ll be hunting. Fortunately, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department provides a comprehensive guide to bag limits for the 2022-2023 hunting season, broken down by county. 

To stay up to date on the latest bag limits for your hunting area, be sure to check out the department’s website and familiarize yourself with the regulations before heading out on your next hunt.

Texas Hunting License 2022-2023

If you are planning to hunt in Texas during the 2022-2023 season, it’s important to make sure you have the proper hunting license. In Texas, a hunting license is required for anyone who wishes to hunt any animal, bird, frog or turtle in the state. 

This applies to both residents and non-residents of any age. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if you are hunting coyotes that are attacking or about to attack livestock, you do not need a license. 

Similarly, if you are hunting feral hogs on private property with the landowner’s permission, you do not need a license. 

It’s important to note that all laws and regulations regarding hunter education requirements still apply, so make sure you are properly trained and educated before heading out into the field. You can obtain your hunting license online or in person at a variety of retailers and state parks.

Texas Hunting Regulations 2022-2023

Hunting regulations in Texas are always important to follow, especially with the start of a new hunting season. For the 2022-2023 season, hunters should note some specific regulations. 

After harvesting a deer, hunters must report their tag to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department within 24 hours. Bag limits have been set up to allow up to three antlered bucks, and five deer per season. Keep in mind that some counties in Texas have antler restrictions for harvested bucks, so it’s crucial to check country-specific regulations.

The Parks and Wildlife Department has identified high CWD zones and requires mandatory testing on harvested deer from these areas to prevent the spread of disease. By following these regulations, hunters can help maintain the safety and sustainability of hunting in Texas.


How much is a hunting license in Texas?

A hunting license costs $25 for residents.

When does hunting season start in Texas?

The start of hunting season in Texas varies by species and region. Check the Texas Parks and Wildlife website for specific dates.

When does hunting season end in Texas?

The end of hunting season in Texas also varies by species and region. Check the Texas Parks and Wildlife website for specific dates.

Can I shoot a deer on my property in Texas?

Yes, you can shoot a deer on your property in Texas.

Can you shoot a deer on your property without a license in Texas?

No, you need a hunting license to shoot a deer, even on your own property.

Can I carry a handgun while hunting in Texas?

Yes, you can carry a handgun while hunting in Texas. Texas also permits open carry of handguns by certain security officers, most people while on their own premises or premises under their control, and people who are engaging in (including going to or from) a lawful hunting or sporting activity, among others.

What happens if you shoot a deer and can’t find it?

If you can’t find a deer after shooting it, it might be because the deer isn’t there. Deer and other wild animals are incredibly resilient. However, if you are unable to find the deer, you should make a reasonable effort to locate it. If you are still unable to find it, you should contact a game warden.

Do deer always leave a blood trail?

No, deer do not always leave a blood trail. Factors such as shot placement, type of ammunition used, and deer behavior can affect the presence and visibility of a blood trail.

How far do you have to be from a house to hunt in Texas?

In Texas, there is a 500-yard distance requirement for any hunting activity from a residence.

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